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Cornea is a FREE photo sharing app available for Android and iOS. Cornea app lets you choose your best photos by scoring them, suggests you best filters transformations to apply from trending images, recommends related #hashTags and much more. WHY USE CORNEA: CORNEA SCORE: Get automated social score on all the images you upload or click before sharing your personal photos with the world. VIBE TRANSFORMATION: Browse through dynamically generated photos and select them to transfer their vibe to your photo. ART TRANSFORMATION: Paint your photos a new look by transforming them into a rad looking piece of art. ALIKE: Find similar looking images from the social media, check out their composition and if you like them, get a vibe transfer done. ADD CUSTOM FILTERS: Experiment with color or style transfer between photo or more of your favorite photos. PERSONALISED HASHTAGS: Make your photos more discoverable by adding from personalised hashtag recommendations. OPTIMISED SHARING: Never forget to share your photo again, set reminders to share your picture and at the right time - suggested by our intelligent scheduler, schedule your photos at the right time to multiple your organic reach.

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